
Who We Are…

Who we are- New Deal Grain is a family owned grain processor located in New Deal Texas. We clean and process a wide variety of different commodities and seed.  Our facility is capable of processing both conventional and organic commodities. New Deal Grain is Certified by the State of Texas to process Organic and Food Grade commodities. We work with farmers and vendors to help supply consumers all over the world. Our Company comes from a farming background that has a foundation in farming for over four generations.



About The Owner

Seth Fortenberry is a 4th generation farmer that grew up in the south plains of Texas farming ever since he was a young boy. Seth’s Great Grandfather W.O Fortenberry bought the land where New Deal Grain was located back in 1929. During that time our facility was known as the W.O Fortenberry Gin.  Seth Fortenberry began farming in 2002 using general conventional practices during this time producing cotton, wheat, milo, and corn. In the year of 2006 Seth’s farming practices started to change after meeting oncologist Dr. Lillian Chou., Dr. Chou has been an oncologist for over 25 years and is breast cancer survivor as well.  Seth was asked to farm a field in 2006 owned by Dr. Chou, but it had to be farmed organically. Dr. Chou explained to Seth the health benefits of farming organic and how organic farming can be done on a large scale just as conventional farming can be done. Dr. Chou was very confident in Organic farming and how the demand is constantly growing higher. Dr. Chou studies the side effects of what high levels of conventional farming can do after this Seth started to begin his journey in Organic Farming. Seth was willing to take on the challenge of farming differently. Seth believes that farming organically is getting back to our roots in a natural way of growing crops. That was common among Seth’s Grandparent’s Generation. Seth currently farms organic and conventional crops in Lubbock and Hale County, Texas. His conventional and organic crops consist of Cotton, Corn, Milo, Black Eyed Peas, Garbanzo Beans, Wheat, and Barley.


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In the year of 2015, Seth bought the property from his family and had always dreamed of starting his own grain company. Shortly after he gained possession of the property, he started buying multiple different commodities. Seth has always loved helping his fellow producers. He knew that starting New Deal Grain; he could help them by marketing their commodities and helping them achieve the best price for their hard work. New Deal Grain now processes commodities for all over the United States and sells varieties of planting seeds for producers.

The Team

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Jimmy Jackson – Grain Processor

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Clint Perez – Plant Manager